About Me

P6I never planned on becoming a writer. In fact, while I’ve always loved to read, I never imagined I could love to write as well.

Then one day, as my babies napped, a story came into my head and it wouldn’t leave. I realized I’d been searching for that story at the bookstore for ages, but couldn’t find it. The idea that I might actually write the story myself made my pulse race and my stomach do flip-flops.

I couldn’t believe I might have an entire story, so I wrote down a quick outline. It was incredibly brief and nowhere near enough to create an entire book, but I didn’t know that. That night, I nervously approached my husband with the idea that I’d decided to try to write a book. I was shocked when, instead of confirming my own doubt of my ability, he wholeheartedly told me it was a great idea.

I’ve learned a lot since then. I joined Romance Writers of America and my local New Jersey chapter. Probably the best decisions I made. They’ve been invaluable. Not only for the incredible support romance writers are always willing to give each other, but also for the access to resources that have taught me a great deal. It was through New Jersey Romance Writers that I met my amazing critique group, a partnership that has fueled my creative world in more ways than I can count.

Thanks to that wonderful support and guidance, and three fabulous critique partners, I sold my time travel romance—Time for Love—to The Wild Rose Press. It came out in December 2013. My partners and I joined forces and started our own publishing company, Timeless Scribes. We released our first anthology of short stories—Timeless Keepsakes: A Collection of Christmas Stories—on November 11, 2013. We wrote four books in our Timeless Series and went on to create a fictional small town called Havenport, where my Witches of Havenport series is set. You’ll see characters from all four of us running around town, visiting the local pub, or browsing the shelves at the bookstore. It’s been a great deal of fun for all of us.

Take a look around my site and let me know what you think. I’d love to hear from you.
